Noticias y anuncios

Noticias y anuncios: What is your artistic challenge?

I'm looking for new topics to feature in our blog in the coming year, and I want to know: What's your artistic challenge? Please leave a comment on this post with suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered here. Nothing could be more rewarding than knowing I'm writing articles that are helping real people out there in the world!... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: What books have helped you?

Do you have any reference books that you simply can't do without in your artistic practice? Have there been instructional books along the way that helped you make leaps forward in your understanding? Please share the title and author of those books in the comments, so everyone can benefit from them! We may even feature a few of those books in our blog in the coming year.... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Complete site overhaul

While taking my first vacation in many years, I've completely overhauled the entire site. I have wanted to give the tools a more fitting home since I created them, and I finally, finally found a little time. Here's a taste of what's new: A critique forum A lessons & tips area where I can post the best ideas and anatomical information that is sent to me. Some of you are pros with much advice... Seguir leyendo