some gesture practice and 1+ year update

Inicio Foros Crítica some gesture practice and 1+ year update

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Jcmlfineart hace 1 año.

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  • #29677

    hi all
    its been a long time since i've last posted here, and i'd like to hope i've improved. I've recently decided to go back and rehash the fundamentals like gesture and anatomy and just wanted some critique on what im doing.

    the 2 attached photos mainly focus on the anatomy (with a few doodles) of the ribs/hips and a few muscles around the chest, my knowledge on legs is very limited

    any tips are very appreciated! thank you and have a good weekend
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    These look epic! You have an exceptional understanding of the upper body (pectorals and shoulder area) that I very much envy!

    You use alot of straight lines and harsh angles. It could be worth trying to add some curves. "Force dynamic life drawing" by Michael D. Mattesi has a great chapter about how adding more curves can add weight to your illistration. I'm pretty sure the excersise he recomended was drawing a figure entirely with straight lines and going back to add curves one at a time so you really have to make strong choices about where they go.

    Best wishes!
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    Very dynamic! I enjoy looking at your sketches! They appear very vivid to me. Just great!
    Concerning leg drawing I recently work my way through " Force Drawing Human Anatomy" from Micahel Mattesi. He explains each section of the body and has a great section explaining glutes, TFL, Pelvis and one for thighs/ hamstrings. It really helps me. Hope my posts is a bit helpful.
    Hello and good morning, Afro, and welcome to our site. How are you today. Say, great range of expression and gesture and anatomy in all of your poses, but these lines all look or seem too hard and stilted to my view, but how would you like to try out our interactive drawing tutorial here? The reason is because of two things: 1) To help you loosen and liven up your drawing and sketching styles. And 2) To help you refresh yourself on your gesture sketching, not rules, but ideas. For most info on straights against curves, kindly look into a Kindle of Mike Mattessi's "Force Drawing Human Anatomy." It's got tons of the most useful and specifically practical info on gesture and essential anatomy, like the pelvis in putting curves to offset the straights.

    So, my hat's off to you, your learning curves, and your marches of progress.

    The knee works a bit like a hammer and anvil setup. (I hope the picture shows up; I have never added on to a critique before.) This photo is from Classic Human Anatomy by Valerie Winslow---->An invaluable resource for movement when you don't have a model or a large mirror in front of you when you are practising.

    Fewer images on a page will help you concentrate on the image you are making. More than One image and you are composing.

    It looks like you are working digitally, That's cool. Zoom in a bit so nothing else is on the page in front of you, and you can create more realistic works because your focus is on the figure, not composition.

    All the best,

    JCML Fine Art
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