Mensajes en el foro por Bard

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  • #3450

    Yeah. I've been using this site for a while now, and it wasn't until yesterday I did the 15 minute tutorial. Thanks for pointing it out!

    I've been checking out Proko's videos every now and then, and I'm checking out his stuff on gestures as I write. I think I have a better feel for what gestures are about now. When I look back on many of my skeleton frames they seem a bit stiff and dead. And as I far as I understand drawing gestures are a good way to capture the life of a pose, especially if you exaggerate the curves a bit. And they are fun to draw as well! I forgot that Croquis cafe actuallyexists, thanks for reminding me! Will definitely try out the gesture drawing classes.

    Thanks for the input, greatly appreciated!


    @Stuffed - I agree that studying anatomy is required for drawing realistic humans, but do you suggest I learn to draw a more realistic skeleton before I add on muscles?

    @Meijin Bell - Yeah, I've actually done what you suggest, drawing the frame with a lighter touch so that it differentiates from the muscles clearly. That was an interesting approach!

    Do you guys do gesture drawing? Just expressive lines to capture movement in a figure? I think I've confused gestures with whatever I'm doing. What's your approach to that?

    When you draw the models here on the site, how do you approach it? Do you go for gestures, scribbly lines or realism?

    Thanks for the feedback, it's very appreciated!

    Also, do you know of a better website for uploading pictures than photobucket? For obvious reasons :P

    Cheers from Norway!

    • Sanne edited this post on January 11, 2019 11:52pm.

    So, does anybody want to chime in on this?

    Any feedback would be appreciated!


    Hi guys and gals,

    So I'm very into gestures now a days. The approach I have now, is that I want to be able to turn around the human form as a 3D model in my mind. To build that intuition for the human form, I started with drawing gestures based on a simplified skeleton. I did that for a while, and I've now recently gotten into putting muscles on top of that skeleton.

    Examples from my sketchbook follows underneath (sorry for the crappy pictures, I had to adjust the contrast to make my faint lines more visible). I'm fairly pleased with the life in most of my skeletons and gestures, but of course there is a lot of room for improvement.

    My question is this - what is your approach to drawing lively gestures with good proportions from models? You can faintly see the skeleton within the "muscled" figures. The problem is that my approach is double work - I first draw the framework, then I erase it so it is barely visible, and then I end it by putting muscles on top. It seems cumbersome and time consuming, and I wanna improve as fast as possible (life is short).

    Do you have any tips on alternative approaches? Videos that give some good advice on this would be appreciated as well