Mensajes en el foro por Riro

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  • #1267

    Here is what I drew (30 mins or so) -
    And the reference -

    Thanks again!


    Hey everyone,

    I'm still quite to drawing, around 8 months experience. I'd really like to do some pinup art, in some kind of cartoon flavour. I've been following along with some tutorials, but am finding it hard to pick out what to improve on.

    Thanks for any suggestions and criticism!


    Hey there,

    That is fantastic advice, thank you so much! Shading was definitely the hardest part for me, so that is an absolutely awesome reference - many thanks for posting the link! I'll search around for other lighting references and see how I get on with another drawing sometime soon.

    You helped lots, thanks again! Good luck getting critique on your own pieces :D


    Hey everyone,

    Image link ---->

    Just slowly putting this movie-style poster together for a friend, it's kind of a christmas present but not really. It's meant to be some kind of rendition of a scene from the original Godzilla, but with this rabbit (my friends pet, named Thumper).

    I'm thinking now might be a good point to go digital and do some vector art of this, but I just wanted to get some second opinions before investing more time into vectors and things. Thanks in advance for any critique, hints, and tips!


    Wow, that is awesome feedback - thanks so much 22foxco!

    I completely understand what you're saying; it is traditional work so I will use the mirror idea (I wonder if I can steal one of those make up mirrors from a lady friend). I can relate to what you're saying with the tunnel vision idea, I do quickly get locked down into detailing a part before moving on, this is probably why I loose perspective as you say!

    Apparently we are amazing at telling when something is 'off', but are not often able to articulate what about that thing is wrong.... interesting huh :) Anyway thanks again, that was huuuge help, I'm going to go find a hand-mirror!


    Thanks for the feedback back chrisbreen1995, that was really nice of you! :D


    Hey everyone, would love some feedback on my first (not-so-realistic) face drawing. I understand it's not too great, but some help on what I did well / poorly would be great!