That's very helpful, thank you! I might actually have to try those gradient exercises when I can. :D
One thing I'm not sure about is set up skeletons (I don't know the real term for them) Should i just gesture draw the pose, or set up skeletons first for figures in general? I feel it helps. Basically start with stick figures and set spheres where the limbs pivot, and after that make some shapes that are rudimentary. Problem is, it gets really noisy to look at and I lose my place, and when I need to draw the actually SKETCH part, I never quite put in the lines where they would be anatomically correct.
So any advice on that? Keep in mind i do this for general/own poses, not for the basic gesture drawing. I don't know if it's a bad habit or not, and if it is okay, where can I go to make it better? Thanks.