
School: nothing offically just been taking online art and drawing classes Where in the world: vincennes IN , US

About Kirgan110

At 38 years old I discovered that I am in love with Art, All things art and I've explored a few mediums. I love to paint, really I always have. before I just enjoyed giving different things really good paint jobs basically for 38 years.....One day I stumble on some spray paint tips n tricks/techniques while getting ready to paint a stand for my girlfriends birthday present. from there I came across spray paint art,,, I watched a painting or two then a tutorial and I felt very positive about being able to do what they were doing. turns out its not as easy as some make it look but I still impressed my friends and most important myself. then the weather started changing and soon it was to cold to want to paint outside. Knowing my predicant my wonderful girlfriend gifts me an Airbrush starter kit. But it's woke something up inside me that has this deep love for I want to drop all the way back to the beginning putting lines on paper which to me feels like the most raw form of art. I have so much to learn and I cant wait om ready to do this

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