Forum posts by gautier

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  • #28682



    I'm returning to gestures/figure drawing after about a months break due to exams, and one consistent issue I'm noticing has to do with structure.

    These drawings are a mixture of 30 seconds, about 2 minutes, and 5 minutes in length, and structure seems to be an area I'm really struggling with. Typically, I don't go in with an unerlying line of action/underdrawing, and doing one of those seems to have helped, but I'm still not satisfied with the potrayal of the subject. The forms seem sort of uncohisive? "Gummy" almost? I'm at the early stages of addressing these issues, but if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be really thankful.

    Also, if there's any other issues with them please let me know! I'd noticed a bit of a concerning lack of line quality at the beginning, but that seemed to improve over the practise, so I count that as a win.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.


    Thank you so much for your time :D!!

    I'll take it into consideration!! I think they're definately something that I need to sit down and practise more... I'm so much more confident with human forms then anything animal. Thank you again for your response :)!!



    Hi all!

    I've been practising gesture on here for a bit, but this is the first time I'm posting anything for critique :)!!

    I feel like there's something wrong with the stuff here, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm thinking maybe its the proportions, particularly on the birds? I also struggled a little with communicating 3 dimensionality in quite a few of the sketches, I think.

    All are ~2mins, some run a bit over (by maybe 30 seconds or so) and some are a bit under that time as well.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this :)!! Would be thrilled to hear any critique you'd have :D!