Forum posts by Jang

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  • #30242
    Thank you for replying! I just finished 30minutes class mode tutorial. And it really helped a lot. I've been drawing for 2months.

    I really like grotesque art or movies. Basically anything if they have a spooky or a little bit disturbing things. So I think I want to learn how to draw grotesque things.

    I think you are right. I have to slow down and maybe I need my own time to think about what exactly I want to Improve and what I want to express and practice what I want to improve.
    Once again, Thank you for your comment. It really helped a lot. I'll post my drawings below.
    Hi I just got to know this website and I've been practicing 1minute drawing and a sketch for about 2weeks cause my portfolio teacher said I need to practice to sketch cause I can not express what I want . Even tough she said I can sketch anything at least one thing everyday, I don't know if this is helping me.. do you think what I'm doing is ok?? And by the way my drawings are awful I can't even look at it.. can you help me?? I need as much as advices I could receive. It does not matter if it is not related to this subject.. do you have any tips for a beginner?.