Forum posts by Allerian

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  • #2145

    I am not sure this should feature here I am however unsure where to put it. I wonder if it is a known issue. I noticed sometimes the image resolution can be high and the images can take a decent amount of time to fully load. However the clock timer still continues ticking making it harder to draw in the correct time frame example 60 seconds can become 30 seconds by the time the image loads. Would it be possible to show a loading spin wheel widget while the image loads in the back ground and once the request is fully fulfilled resume the timer and display the whole image in the browser. While this timer is running you can background load another image and so on? If the image has'nt loaded while the thirty/sixty seconds are up a shorter duration spin wheel can be shown. This will help artists to stick to the time limit. I love your website otherwise. It has a very aesthetically pleasing clean design.