Forum posts by Jodimation

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  • #4247
    Yes I would echo what Krinmu says. Draw from life! Just like this website, it's practice that nobody will see and it won't happen over night, but you'll notice gradually that it will influence your work in general. Draw people, draw buildings, draw things that are around you when you are bored and have the urge to look at your phone :) I just drew this picture on the bus on the way to the city centre. Not the greatest sketch but good practice. Good luck in your artistic journey :)
    Hey congrats on your first 30 minute session! The human figure is one of the hardest things to draw in art. It's a good first attempt. I really like the 5 minute page on the right page. It shows a nice line of action. A couple of pointers. The idea behind the 30 second pics are that you should capture the gesture of the pose. You should try to capture the whole figure even if it's rough (It takes a bit of practice when you first start) Like I see you have the rib cage and pelvis in your 30 seconds. If that's taking up too much time, leave that out, and just capture the head, the line of action thru the neck, torso, and the arms and legs. As you gain more experience and speed, you can add other things but above all else, you should try capturing the whole figure in any time limit you have. Another thing I would say is perhaps not for the 30 or 1 minute one, but try to use the entire page to do your drawings (Use printer paper if you don't want to use up your sketchbook, this is practice.) You'll have more room to work out issues of contruction and learning how you are going to compose your subject matter on a page of certain size is very important. Anyways, keep practicing every day, this is a very good first go, and you should keep it, so you can see your progress in 6 months :)
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