Forum posts by Laulauuuuu

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  • #4099

    Yep, pretty much drawing everything with shoulder. Could you elaborate a bit what you mean by "unnatural stick figure lines"?


    Some updates:

    Trying out new brushes really loosened me up in a good way. The drawings seem to become more lively if I don't stress over every line too much. I'll try your "continuous line" method more seriously in next drawings. Kinda tried it here and there but didn't quite get how to make it work in a good way. Even though the longer poses still don't come out as finished as I would like to, the gesture is the #1 thing here that I'm trying to focus on. So with that in mind I like how this is progressing.

    About your links... just watched Alphonso's video today and it was great. He did a good job of summarizing what gesture drawing is about. Been using Croquis Cafe for these past days actually and yep... it's definitely better/easier to draw from live models than drawing from just static pictures.

    Reading Michael Mattesi's Force book at the moment (Dynamic Life Drawing).


    Damn, that's a proper comment. Thank you!

    I agree with the most of what you said. I think that I have somewhat decent game-plan when it comes to quick gesture drawings (30-60s). But when I go up to longer times I feel very lost. Often times it's like "Okay so I finished the big idea of the what... guess I'll do details?" So the longer poses end up being like gesture drawings but with some extra contours on top of them. Often I go over the same contours multiple times which doesn't really add anything new to the drawing. Perhaps that's one bad habit to break for starters.

    I don't have much anatomy knowledge either so there's not much to add after gesture, except just copying from the reference. But then again I don't think I'm ready to tackle anatomy yet because there's proportional issues and probably many other bigger issues that should be solved before zooming in the to the details right? Been working on proportion lately.

    I'm not a big fan of my shading either. I think the 10 minute ones look better than the 25 minute ones just because the shading makes them look muddy.

    By "continuous line" do you mean that I should try keep the lines smooth and consistent instead of starting to break them and go more into the "chicken-scratch" and make one line out of many lines? If that is what you mean then yes definitely something to work on. Theres a notable difference between the shorter and longer poses. With shorter poses I tend to go more flowy lines drawn from my shoulder but once there's a lot more time - and because of that also detail - then I tend to go all out with scratchy lines. Everything drawn from wrist, hairy ugly lines and probably half-way of this process lost the gesture aswell so the longer poses stiffen quite a bit. It would be super nice to be able to keep the flowiness and smoothness all the way from gesture/big picture stage to the longer finished pose.

    Also yes definitely should pick the good drawings from each sessions. That's a no-brainer. I've just been stupid :D

    Thanks for your help!


    Some drawings from the class sessions:


    I'll try out the class mode today! Didn't touch it yet. Thanks mate.


    Hello !

    Been doing these daily for a while now.
    Even though there's been definitely aha-moments and improvements, right now I feel a bit stuck. Am I doing this properly? :thinking: Any critique would be more than appreciated.