29-Second Last (I Feel) Practice of Animal Thumbnail Sketches For Animations

by Polyvios Animations, June 21st 2021 © 2021 Polyvios Animations

Done as part of a practice session with poses of 29 seconds in length.

My current goal is: Work on my signature drawing style of sketching animal lines, dexterity, forces, gestures, actions, acting, motions, emotions, and movements. (advanced)

Here's yet another of my set of animal warm-up sketches, for an animation to be announced. So what do you think of my demonstration, for my visual communications?


Good color

Aunt Herbert

You are requesting critique, I don't know how much my critique helps or hurts you, but I'll give it another go.

Your goal is to work on your visual communication. What is it, you want to actually communicate? Cause I can't crack the code, all I see is the same handdrawn matrix filled with hieroglyphs you constantly seem to pose, covered with frantic crayon lines, on a cheap torn page.

What has that to do with animal lines, dexterity, forces, gestures, actions, acting, motions, emotions, and movements. (advanced)?

I can't see what happens in your mind while you do it, but it does not communicate anything to me. Can you try to explain?


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