© 2023 Naima
2mins handdrawing to reduce stiffness and getvclearer lines
Superb linework there!! great work on these hands, Naima. I've little suggestions for improvements as i feel this is nearly perfect, but next time might i suggest trying to capture some of the values aswell? my only criticism is that i suggest a more lighter job on the linework in the skin creases along the knuckles may help with the hand coming out more realistic, and as always, try to add more value in general when you have the time with sketches! it''ll help you establish a better understanding of their form. keep it up!!
yThank you for the percise critique on the knuckles, I will try to improve. Adding value seems to be a hard thing; because I always feel I'n cheating the pure lines. Means I am not advanced enough to add shading.
The reason why you could and should take a chance on this critique is because it can, shall, and in the future, will have helped out but supported your current goal. The more faster your scribbles you grind out, the myelins will be the most spontaneous, lively and vital. Hope these have been totally, definitely, absolutely, and furthermore positively beneficial.