© 2023 Maggiewmc
Hey there,
I'll assume that, by the 5mins in the page that this are quicksketch drawings. Consider using fewer lines, scribble is a techinique for more advanced artists, you will certaily get there, but before that, use fewer lines, if it does fall on the right spot, its ok, and if you feel too strange about it, you can always just erase and try again, but by all means, use fewer line, not in the overall drawing, what im talking is the lines on top of each other to describe the same "line".
For 5 mins poses, forget the shadows, for now, work on getting the story of the pose, to get right what the character (model) is saying by that pose. The flow of the limbs and how they relate to the torso.
Use less straight lines and more C and S lines, mainly C lines in your case. This will already show a big difference in your drawing if you do it by heart.
Good drawings thou,
Great journey, cheers!
I'll assume that, by the 5mins in the page that this are quicksketch drawings. Consider using fewer lines, scribble is a techinique for more advanced artists, you will certaily get there, but before that, use fewer lines, if it does fall on the right spot, its ok, and if you feel too strange about it, you can always just erase and try again, but by all means, use fewer line, not in the overall drawing, what im talking is the lines on top of each other to describe the same "line".
For 5 mins poses, forget the shadows, for now, work on getting the story of the pose, to get right what the character (model) is saying by that pose. The flow of the limbs and how they relate to the torso.
Use less straight lines and more C and S lines, mainly C lines in your case. This will already show a big difference in your drawing if you do it by heart.
Good drawings thou,
Great journey, cheers!
48-26=22, 220-208=12
26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 156, 182, 208
The reason why is because, your graphic but seemingly organic shapes, lines and forms will become lesser than complicated, but more readable, if not simplified, but even more than exaggerated. For even more than enough details, please look into Volume 2 of the Walt Stanchfield PDF here.
Good luck from all of us, but let's hope they've made perfect sense.