Looking for critique

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Zashin@@ 10 jaar geleden.

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  • #207
    I started use Photoshop and this is my first painting with it http://wesnothas.deviantart.com/art/Necromancer-Azir-493548796

    I would like to get some critique about it :)
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    (sorry for my bad english)Well it is good,but you are looking for critique,then :
    -this sword isn <code>t straight, and that at the end too, there are waves and there shouldn</code> t be waves :D
    -shield hasn`t a good shadow (right not enough rosa)
    -hook<code>s ..i don</code> t like them,they are shapeless
    -at some parts the shadow isn `t corect :)
    -at right corner is a monster much bigger as the orther monsters,it dosn`t look good :)
    But for first it`s veryyyy gooooooood :)

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