Second time doing 30-min "class"

Home Forums Kritiek Second time doing 30-min "class"

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Htlaps 3 jaar geleden.

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  • #27029
    Hi all! I'm new here. I studied art in college but then took a big LOOOOONG break to pursue a completely different career. I'm switching gears now and working to build on my old skills to launch some kind of writing/art career. I'm especially interested in someday working in comics or writing a graphic novel, so really understanding the human figure is important to me. I was so happy to discover recently that there are figure drawing sites online!

    Any input welcome! Thanks!







    If these embedded images don't work, here's a link to the images.
    • Bugorama edited this post on April 25, 2021 10:03pm. Reason: To embed photos rather than use a link
    • Bugorama edited this post on April 25, 2021 10:05pm. Reason: Adding link
    • Bugorama edited this post on April 25, 2021 10:14pm. Reason: Maybe I finally fixed my embedded images?! LOL!
    • Bugorama edited this post on April 26, 2021 2:36pm. Reason: Fixed maybe for real? LOL!
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    Nice try on your post, bugorama, but I really don't see any of your first ever images here on Line of, why don't you please put up all very clickable and downloadable images of what you're currently working on, please with sugar on it?

    The reason why is because, the lot of us would and could be able to see what you're showing and telling.

    good luck and cheers.
    Hmmmmm ... the embedded images are showing up for me! Here's a link. I'll add to original post too.
    The poses really develop nicely as you have more time frame. A small suggestion for the shorter time durations is to make your "center body line gesture" greater, more defined using your whole upper arm in one long smooth stroke.
    Thanks Papa Koshka! I put intention toward that in my 30-min session today.
    I absolutely love your first 5min she looks so chill haha

    From what i see on the 10min, you can reproduce the line/contour of your reference really well. You seem to have a good eye for that ! but what lacks in my opinion especially to the short timed drawings is the understanding of volumes. i think that if you use body lines (shoulders, center, legs) as Papa Koshka suggested, and see the muscles as forms and not only contours, you'll feel more confortable with the 1min drawings. and it'll help you for the longer as well :)

    i really like your confidence in the 5 min pictures. But i Think you carrie it too far in the 10 min. Its okay to Think about your guide lines and anatomy. However you seem to have a really nice understanding of siluets which might help you a lot when further developing your anatomy understanding. Other focus points could be joints especially raised arms, and volume in shading of body and hair.

    hope this helps :)
    Proportions look good for the time periods on the drawings, confidence when drawing the lines can be improved.
    Hi! The practice is going along really nicely. I think your current tools are leading towards very conture-oriented studies. To deepen your understanding of volume and form I reccomend getting a thick mark making tool like graphite sticks to bring out other areas of study of the figure. I encourage more experimentation with how the forms fit into each other. Good luck!
    Thanks everyone for your comments. I think this is a really useful observation about contours versus volume. I do tend to think it terms of lines when I draw. I know that shading and volume are my weaknesses, so I will need to work on leaning in and growing in that direction. Thank you for pointing it out! This was even more helpful than I expected!
    One thing to consider is the way weight is distributed due to gravity. Especially in the pieces of the girthy women, fat and even just regular human weight tends to weigh down more. Where is gravity pushing down the most? How would that impact the parts of the body that are resting on a surface?

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