Forumberichten van Eva N

  • Auteur
  • #27757

    I am new to this site, and also a beginner in art. I don't have any formal training and I just discovered my love of drawing with pencil last month. So I have a lot to learn and my interest is drawing portaits.

    I'm a bit lost on how to best work with this site. I've selected the 30 minute class and photos come up and dissapeared every 1 minute or so. It was too fast I didnt even have time to finish drawing my circle and lines (i'm using the loomis method) before it changed to the next photo. It just made me feel overwhelmed and panicky. The brief description says that with 30 mins class it starts with 10 pose, down to 5 pose, 2 pose and eventually 1 pose for 10 mins.

    Does it mean that in total i'd be drawing 18 different poses in 30 mins?

    I tried looking at the website for some sort of guide but couldn't find an answer.
