Forumberichten van nearcyded

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  • #27

    I registered for a live drawing course and it's the morning of my first class. I've never been so anxious and apprehensive in my life about anything, let alone a class with a topic that actually interest me a great deal. The thing is that I haven't taken, nor have I tried to draw anything that's physically in front of me. When I draw I love to use reference photos because being able to rotate them with my drawing helps me get exact angles, but the perfection I seek also hinders my ability to complete anything in a timely manner, as well as the occasional 'drawers' block (what I like to call it) where I literally can't make even a dot on a piece of paper without erasing and adjusting it. The reason I want to take this class is because I want to get over that mental hump, but I'm absolutely terrified that the instructor will see my work and kindly inform me that I'm not ready for this course. I'm on the verge of dropping it just 2 hours before the first class. I guess my real question is, seeing as how I have never taking anything but the introduction to drawing, can I fail a live drawing course by sheer lack of ability or is it more about individual improvement?

    P.S. I'm sorry I sound pathetic and crazy