Forumberichten van Bella Matto

  • Auteur
  • #28548
    I used to have the same frustration! It can be very difficult going from one step to another since everyone has a specific method or two that work for them. While I can't speak for others, I know that the tear drop method works best for me- istead of starting immediately with the outlines of your subjects, you can use the anchor posts that line-of-action's tutorials mention and get a feel for where the limbs are by drawing elongated tear drops, the fat end anchored. The thin ends would be at joints, like wrists and ankles. From there the proportions for where muscles and the rest of your figure's details will seem less daunting! It can also help to do a few skeleton studies, but that can be a little much to jump right into. No matter what, keep trying new approaches. There is no one right way to learn art!