June 12, 2021 1:46am #27244Thank you so much, everyone!
So many good points! It really helped me understand what was wrong with my drawing. As Polyvios pointed out, I should study more of Loomis' methods and more human skulls, and try to compare my drawings to the examples I'm trying to adapt from more often. Polyvios asked me if I had a goal, and I've been recently thinking very hard about it, whether it's going to be comics, or animation, or even game dev. Overall I love telling stories but I'm not against expanding to other mediums if it helps me achieve excellence in what I already love doing.
Herbert gave so much good advice! I'll work on making more interesting drawings in general, those usually end up forcing me to go outside of my comfort zone and study new things, so it's a win-win.
Moritz, thank you so much for your explanation and guide! I do see the differences now, and I can see that the thirds were wonky on my part. I do think I like the general aesthetic of the original a bit more though, and I'll try to think of what bothers me, might be the haircut so I'll experiment with it.
I like how this thread had a very interesting, even if short, discussion about stylization and how it can still follow the principles of "proper anatomy", at first I was a bit hesitant to ask here since it seems to be a place where most artists will be focusing their studies on realism and closer-to-life styles. I was absolutely proven wrong as there is much to learn from those that come from different areas in art and life.
Again, thank you very much!June 9, 2021 11:07pm #27234Hello!
I've been doing regular practices and doodling a lot recently, but I have a few issues with how I draw things, specifically the human form. As you can see below, I have a very manga/anime-inspired art style, but the way the skull looks just... Doesn't feel right to me, maybe it's slanted? Or even how the chin seems too far away from the mouth, details like these are hard for me to think of solutions and I commit the same mistakes too many times. It might be a product of "learning it wrong" however and practice can certainly fix it.
Regardless, I wanted some input on things to pay more attention to, obvious flaws, subtle mistakes I've committed etc. Even though it is a stylized piece, I do want to keep the structure as intact as possible, just with a more eastern aesthetic to it.
For the sake of clarifying it, I use the Loomis head method to construct the human skull, although it's still tricky for me to get the "shaving" of the sides right and the center vertical line is always somewhat of a struggle.
Thank you very much in advance!1-
Mihoy edited this post on June 9, 2021 8:08pm. Reason: Removed broken image
May 30, 2021 7:15pm #27192Yes, it does make sense, I guess it's due to lack of practice. I'll keep trying and see ways to put more emphasis on the line of action, thanks for your feedback!May 29, 2021 9:47pm #27189Good morning/afternoon/evening!
I recently started practicing gesture drawing to improve my works as, to my disappointment, I haven't been able to draw as I'd like for some time now, and went on testing theory after theory until it all boiled down to lack of understanding the fundamentals.
Gesture drawing was always something I struggled with, the same goes with reference images and copying — something just doesn't click and I have extreme difficulty translating what I see to the paper, the angles are all wrong, the positioning is all wonky, line quality is mediocre at best etc. And now that I've gotten into practicing and studying again, I feel I'm finally doing some progress... Except it doesn't look right.
I need some guidance on how to just start making these figures look like, well... Figures! The shape just looks wrong and I don't know how to improve my lines since they look so messy and scribbly here, perhaps it's just a lack of confidence, also, ignore the Japanese text at the top, it's just personal notes since I'm studying the language. A lot of these are unfinished because they were timed sketches, you can see I started off attempting to use cubes to define the form but dropped it right after, it wasn't being helpful due to the time constraints and somehow circles seemed to help me much more.
[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/208671567947890688/848270872128258088/unknown.png?width=830&height=585[/img] -