
  • 作者
  • #3414


    Yay! I'm so happy to hear that HornetOfJustice!

    I'm very excited about all this feedback, it is very helpful and inspiring. Thank you all! Keep it coming!

    Here's another question: Would it make sense to break this idea in to two, and put "still life" in its own tool entirely?



    That is utterly bizarre. How did you eventually manage to login to make this post?

    The next time you see that 404, can you try to copy the URL you ended up at? If you can't login to send it to me, you could send it to

    • Kim edited this post on January 2, 2019 11:41pm.


    Those are great ideas!

    Indoors and outdoors is already designated in this version of the tools, but I can totally see season being a big deal here.



    Hi all! We have the start of a new tool out today -- scenes and environments! For now, use of this tool is limited to full subscribers/backers using reward code time (Thank you for supporting us!!!)

    Right now the image focus is largely on environments in which you might place a figure, such as a human or animal, but there are a few that are more still-life like. We'll work to expand both sorts of images in the tool.

    I'd love your feedback on where the new tool should go from here.

    For example:

    * What sorts of tags do you need to be able to effectively sort these images?
    * What sort of time intervals should be standard for these? Does the 30 second starting place still make sense?
    * What emphasis would you like to see as the photography collection is expanded?

    • Kim edited this post on December 29, 2018 8:25pm. Reason: Adding a link to the new tool


    Unfortunately, for this moment in time, 2MB is our current upload limit - I'm working hard on fixing this, as well as better error messages to let you know WHY uploads may be failing in various situations. Sorry about that! I really hope to have this corrected before the new year.

    In the meantime, reducing the picture dimensions a bit or running it through a compressor like TinyPNG (it compresses .jpg, .png and .gif files I think) can get most pictures under 2MB without a real loss of quality.



    Crossed another item off the list:

    * Pay for subscriptions with Paypal - Added in the form of purchasing gift codes



    A gorgeous study! What tools do you use to make these?



    Do you have a specific goal for what you're trying to improve right now?



    Interesting, looks like we somehow managed to revert to the old code. I'll re-patch and then run the same repairs today. Sorry about that!



    Crossed a number of things off the list this morning, including...

    * Pay for photo bundles with Paypal

    * Add last message date/time to inbox

    * Reminders to review your practice goal if you haven't changed it for four weeks or longer



    Great work for just 2 days!! Love the dedication.



    It sounds like you're looking for a shortcut to get you to "good" as quickly and easily as possible. This is a set of expectations that is very likely to lead to disappointment and disillusionment. You need to find a way to enjoy the process, even the frustrating bit. Building a nice art practice requires studying fundamentals to start with, the practice of which sadly does not really look like much you can show other people a lot of the time.

    I'd say focus on learning the underlying structures of the body right now. The outer contour drawings may feel more satisfying, but it's too early for them.



    Really interesting technique! Do you have a specific goal you're working toward right now?



    What class/session details were you doing? How long did you do?



    There’s currently no image reviews or directory available for easy browsing.

    This is because most of our images so far (especially in the figure study tool) used in the gesture drawing tools were provided by very generous photographers interested in helping to train fine artists, but some of them specified in the licensing agreement that their images were not to be displayed in any kind of archive or list. Out of respect for their artwork and their legal rights, we have complied and not added an image archive/review to the site.

    Typically what people do to get around this is either pause to spend as long as they like on an image, or I think some take a screenshot.

    We don't have a way to manually enter time that wasn't done in our specific tools, sorry!