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  • #3692


    Hi Brookaford!

    To get a sense of what you should be doing in 30 seconds, take 15 minutes to go through our interactive drawing tutorial :) We tried really hard to make it clear what the super short exercises are for and how they can help your drawing journey:

    Welcome to the site! :)



    Oh wow, already improvement in terms of learning value for these sketches!! Way to go!!

    Also, thank you so much for becoming a subscriber to give back to LoA <3 <3 People like you make continued work on the site possible.



    Hi Birdie!

    Have you perchance tried our on-site interactive tutorial about gesture drawing? :) It tries very hard to give you an impression of what "landmarks" to aim for at different time lengths of gesture:

    It sounds like your main goal here is to gain enough control over your hand that it more routinely does what you are asking of it. This is a very good goal, and also enough of a goal. It is okay if the pictures you make don't look like much for awhile. That said, they do look better than you think. Keep up with this consistent practice! Try not to let frustration burn you out! You are steadily improving and will continue to do so!

    1 1


    Welcome to the site! :)



    I'm not totally sure what happened there yet -- when I went poking around, it seemed like it was only accepting about 1/4 of the reports it was getting about practice times. As I poked around, it seemed to resolve. I don't think I changed anything. I will continue poking in hopes I can figure out what caused it so we can take action to prevent it happening again.

    Ab2qj - You should have your streak back, please direct message me if you do not.

    EmeraldBoa - Since you mentioned specific times, I've tried to add those back in for you as well.

    Thank you so much to everyone who posted here!



    Let me take a look! It does seem to be a general site-wide issue. :)

    @Ab2qj That's an impressive streak. Lemme see if I can fix it for you!



    Focused practice is always the most effective practice! Having a clear goal such as "accurately capture the proportions of the limbs in relation to one another" is a great step to focusing up.

    I do see a few issues with proportion - the jumping/kneeling person in the middle appears to have very short calves and small feet in comparison to the other parts of his body, but other figures show clear attention in this area.

    Some good and some bad is a good sign that you're working in an area with attainable improvements, so that's about right for right now.

    For this exercise, consider working in stages. Do an initial pass, then get up, walk away for a minute, and come back to the same pose. Do a second pass of the same length where you correct your previously captured proportions, either by erasing and re-drawing or drawing over top in a different color. Measuring different parts of the body against one another will be your friend here. How long is the hand compared to the foot in actuality? How long is the hand compared to the foot in your drawing? And so forth and so on.

    Hope this helps! Great work :)



    You're welcome! :D



    Since so many of the photos are still under old licenses that often disallowed us from showing the images in any kind of "archive," we aren't able to offer a browseable section to see all the photos or grab ones you like or even to show you a summary of them all at the end of your practice. Maybe one day we will have so many new photos under the new license that we will be able to retire all the old ones and go forward to a glorious age of being able to show you what you drew! :)

    In the meanwhile, I understand a lot of people use screenshots or snip to save photos they like for later practice. This is okay and a fair use educational purpose. Go for it. ;)



    Hi there! By donate, do you mean get a subscription? :)

    We don't do automatic subscriptions via Paypal for a lot of reasons, but you can still buy yourself a membership with Paypal. Just grab yourself a gift code and apply it to your own account. :)



    I found a test account that was experiencing the issue, so I'm now able to see whether I'm having an impact or not. Huzzah! I've got it working and tested on that test account -- one more time, is it now working for you?



    Okay, back into the fray I go...



    Okay, I've maaaybe found the issue? Please let me know :)



    Hmmn. Having much more trouble reproducing this one. Hang tight though, I'm on it!



    Woof, not sure how that snuck in! Try again now?