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  • #28395

    Nice drawing man, it show you really took the time you had and look for the most important things first and then went for a bit of detail with the time left.

    First thing, drawing look stiff, when doing this kind of practise, "quick sketch", "gesture drawing" and so on think of the limbs as snakes, ignore the bones (in the beggining) just for a few months. Try to draw them more loose, as to capture the rythim more then the actual shape.

    When you feel just a bit more relax to flexen that looseness then you can add a tiny lil bit of structure. For a while, forget detail, to begin with, anatomy is too far away for now, but dont worry, is just for now.

    Once that looseness matches with the bit of structure try learning about the body landmarks (google that) it helps alot when trying to get the proper figure in its desired position.

    Well, for now that already seems like alot to absorve.

    Have fun and keep on drawing.


    Hey there!

    First thing, the last line. "My hand doesnt get the memo" that is just lack of training, is does not mean youre training to little, it just means you should relax, keep the training and in time the hand will get the memo, constancy will give you confidence that will give you the memo. So dont worry about that part.

    You didnt put any notes, but i'm guessing this are 30sec~2mins drawings.

    In figure drawing that are two types of training. the Accuracy one, where you do longer drawing, trying to capture the exactly picture of the pose. That one is a more advanced training, dont worry about now.

    The other training, and truly the most important now for you, is the Gesture one, where you do short drawings trying to capture the essence of the pose. The gesture of a drawing is some thing hard to explain, so go watch a vid about in youtube that will give much more precise info than me writing here, some artist pro at this are Proko (Stan Prokopenko), Jeff Watt, Sinix and many more if you do your homework.

    Basicly, gesture is trying to capture the motion, the rythim, the flow of the form without drawing the simple contour.

    Trying grasping the skill of gesture, youre drawing will grow better exponential, garantee.

    Well, thats what i think. Dont stop drawing no matter what. Good luck, good journey.



    Hey there!

    You're doing great! do not stop training no matter what anyone say.

    That said, try doing more of the 30secs, 2 mins and 5 mins. Truly, anything longer than that is not really gesture. It will improve your skills, but if you wanna grasp that concept of representing the essence, the rithym of the pose, with simple fluid lines, then you gotta think less and feel more, thus using the shortter timers helps alot in letting go of details to go for motion and gesture.

    Specific to the 30s , look for the head angle, then center line, then limbs. You dont really have to draw the volumes of the rib cage n pelvis cuz in 30 secs there isnt enough time for that at all, so no matter how much you train, in the end you'll just be with 3 ovals and no gesture at all. Trying seeing Prokos video on that.

    For the 2 mins and 5 mins, now you can consider volume. You're yet not drawing volume, but considering it to better describe the pose and the person posing it. Still, try to capture the angles, like from shoulder to shoulder, from the inbetween of the clavicles to the pelvis (center line). Try seeing the motion that describes the muscles to better design the limbs even if you not nich of anatomy.

    Still though, youre doing great. The real secret is not stoping, just go one step at a time.



    Hey there!

    From where the drawing are seen, it is hard to say if you putted a timer with a specific amout of time to do each drawing or if you just draw them and then marked how much time it took. If it is the latter, then you're actualy not training gesture, which i dont bilieve to be the case, since your lines are really fluid and you seem to capture the essence of the pose with ease. Considering that you are in second case though, trying putting a timer instead of just noting the time it took, this will show you if the gesture is really strong in you or if you're just taking advantage of the extra time.

    Now, considering the high quality of the drawings, u should go for a step foward, anatomy and then rendering, for gesture now will keep you sharp, but wont take you much further. Consedering that you already think the gesture seeing volume and structure.

    Well thats what i think. In the road of mastering art, good trip!


    Hey man, tryng using less "lines" to draw the same one, like try using only 3 moves instead of 6, it will help to get a more clean drawing and a more accurate one too, gesture is about beeing precise , but using too many lines to define the same motion sometimes is us cheating ourselves so make it look better. Something that usually works is "ghosting" the line before actualy puting the pencil in the paper to do the line.
    Drawings look very nice! focus a bit more in the 30 secs, use less lines for the same things, cheers!


    I would, if i were you, focus more on the shorter timed drawings for now. You're going on the right direction, but the longer the drawing, the more you focus on the details, the less you get a strong, fluid gesture.

    But since you aimed for the longe one, you should consider the volume of the major parts, not just the countour, also the form, like her hips are more round and larger than that. I bilieve this model is that pretty blonde one with the kinda yellowsh skin and her waist is not so narrow even in this particular pose. Try thinking where the sacron would be, knowing that in this pose, its point would be touching the ground and then you'll get much more of a grasp on how to position the pelvis in general. For the volume, the second pics is more acurrate than the last.

    You're giving a lot of time to practice even in just one drawing, which is very cool, shows youre on the right way. If i were you, would go to the 30 secs and 2 mins gesture drawing, then after a while (a month or so) go back and try again a longer drawing.

    Cheers my bro


    Hey there my man, if you wanna some more practical tips I strongly recommend looking Proko guides on gesture drawing, i'm saying this cuz they helped me alot.