
  • 作者
  • #30578

    Hi! I think the best thing to start off with is what are your particular goals? What kind of style are you wanting to go for? Are you wanting to work on anatomy or looking to work more on your coloring and shading?

    From just a general first impression of your work, I like it! You're characters are very expressive and I can see that you're pushing your anatomy knowledge by putting your characters in dynamic poses. One thing I will say is maybe play around with different body shapes and facial fetures. Some of your OC's are a little same-face/same-body which is not the end of the world, lots of artists go through that, it's part of the process but just keep pushing to get out of that comfort zone. But your style is really fun and has a lot of energy to it

    If you wanna keep talkin' shop, let me know


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