Wow! That's a really sweller job on your gestural drawings, Thestripper! These would all look great on your portfolio!!
Well, if I could provide you with a couple of critiques, then it would be that for two things: 1) I love the gestures and action-packed impact of each and every pose, keep working on them. 2) I feel some of the flow on some of the feet and hands on the 30 second poses are way off. Why don't you please loosen and free yourself up with this interactive drawing demonstration?????????
The reason why is, though it's for the newbies here in this website, then it's worth a shot for you. And another reason, is to help you out on making your poses, feet, and hands less stiffer, and more dynamic, exaggerated, vital, and energetic. My hat's off to you, and I hope you've found these completely and totally beneficial and newsy.