Forumberichten van Idon'tknow

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  • #31309

    Hi, i did this stuff for i don't know how long and i can clearely see i am not seeing what i need to improve. Was i told a lie that practice makes perfect? I am getting closer and closer to the answer that starts with "y".

    If there is something I keep missing about these exercizes please tell me and also, no more book recommendations, no asking me to have patience cos' i really have enough of this wandering around mindset. I get that compared to many others my age that are already professionals in the field I am on the level of a baby that pretends to cook when he puts plastic cookies in the toy hoven, but if they are getting actual critique, then I should not need to pretend to have the same.



    how did you do that?


    wow, thanks, you really gave me a motivation boost. You really have something all those "motivational art videos" don't have, you are honest with how much work is required to improve, it' not as easy as drawing anime faces on repeat but it is indeed a message to say that in an amount of time, there is gonna be improvement. thanks


    I honestly do not understand how he became that better in just 30 minutes a day... i get that he is a man of spectacle so perhaps he might have taken some creative liberties in his recordings in order to make the public feel more entertained, but even if it is damn... he is too much out of my league so that totally doesn't sound like "if he succeeds, anyone can". I am done with that thing of being inspired by others, that ended up giving me extreme anxiety for not improving at their rate, comparing myself to them is like comparing apples to oranges, so I ended up doing it for myslelf.


    I came back after i got really busy with drawing boxes in perspective, where i learned what perspective is and becoming better at understanding it, i still do not understanding how force drawing works, here i cannot understand how to improve or to correct what i do wrong. A lot of other artists came here telling me something on how to improve my technique but to me they had no sense at all. No, please do not ask me to buy more books, I have too many of them and are not helping me at all.

    this is my latest attempt and that is my very first attempt. it's true they look less rigid now, yet i like one of them more than the latest ones i am doing right now.


    OK, by the end, I arrived at a conclusion. I now comprehend how to sketch the scapula from various perspectives; they are essentially curved boxes with a slight base. However, I am struggling to simplify the clavicle, which appears distorted already, and drawing it from multiple vantage points has led me to trace it from references.

    here is the result of my very first attempt.


    Uhh, I can see the learning curve got stiff pretty quick, if I can aproximate the ribs as one single shape; how can i ever understand to draw this two connected bones?


    There's a reason I cannot put as much effort into figure drawing as I am doing here. I can't see through the body fat or the muscles; the ribcage remains a simplistic shape to draw. Despite being advised to observe its position where it protrudes, when I attempt this, it doesn't appear like the model I've practiced, in fact, it doesn't even look like a ribcage at all.


    Claviculas are really hard to conceptualize to me. Actually, any other bone besides the rib cage is impossible for me to simplify... I feel so sorry to ask you this, but, how do you visualize it?


    i tried doing new 30 second poses classes, actually some of them are done in more time because i took an other hour long class

    I cannot work with a different line quality than this, i know that i must draw with more precise lines, but precise is not who I am. Yes, it looks like a mess and makes my process of learning flow hard, but if i have to think about the quality of the line, then I will be obsessed by the details.

    I do have a book about anatomy from the FORCE series none the less. Yet I end up not understanding it, mostly i give the fault to me, so I don't think if buying an other anatomy book can help me.


    I got through random suggestions that should teach me how a basic human body should be reproduced, i tried figure study but i had no idea where the rib cage and so on should start or end, so I tried tracing on top of them, and still I felt lost.

    I do not understand the body parts even if the person is completely naked, the meat and the musculature make it impossible to identify those shapes.

    This was a previous attempt that got corrected by someone else on this site,, I saw that there were some points i should use to identify those things, yet it doesn't work when i do it. I just cannot see through people, even when i feel it, the anatomy takes a completely unrealistic shape and I do not know how am I supposed to do.


    Thanks for the tip but what am i going to do with a whole skeleton, drawing bone after bone? it was feasible enough with the rib cage, how can i even learn to draw the lovcraftian monster that is the skull , like i can't even visualize it as a shape


    Hi, i came here with my newest problem i must resolve. I just saw some sort of weird video where dudes that never drew in their lives were capable to make more progress than anyone else in 100 days more easely than a lot of artists, so people that reacted to the content that are also pros at that said a thing about finding their own percorse and making it likable for them.

    I've been grappling with this dilemma myself lately. Is finding a structured course for learning to draw even feasible? I resonate so much with what you said. Whenever I attempt to draw something I'm passionate about or envision in my mind, my lack of technical knowledge becomes glaringly evident, stifling my progress. But then, when I try to dive into the basics, I find myself losing interest quickly, and before I know it, I've abandoned the whole endeavor altogether. It's like a constant tug-of-war between my desire to create and the daunting task of mastering the fundamentals. Does anyone else feel this way or have any advice on how to navigate this frustrating cycle?


    I just watched the video, but honestly, I didn't understand it at all. It's frustrating how it makes everything look so easy when in reality, it's anything but. It's like they're breezing through complex concepts as if they're second nature, leaving me feeling even more confused. Sometimes, these videos can be misleading, giving the impression that mastering something is effortless when, in truth, it takes time, effort, and often multiple attempts to grasp. It's important to remember that behind the polished presentation lies the struggle and hard work that goes into truly understanding and mastering a subject.


    i drew an other set of rib cages

    I am putting my first attempt here because i didn't have got recieved comments on it yet