10 minute Figure study

by Dre123, February 21st 2019 © 2019 Dre123

Done as part of a 30-minute class.

My current goals are:

*Reducing stiffness in my basic poses to feel more dynamic, energetic, and fluid


*Anatomy and construction when transitioning from the line of action poses to full anatomical poses

Kim - 網站管理員

Hey Dre123,

I hate to say it, but I think you have too many goals to really let your brain do its best learning, especially with a ten minute pose! These are all great goals, but if you can, very clearly (to yourself) pick one to focus in on for every practice session.

It looks like you're doing a great job with underconstruction and learning about anatomy in this piece.


Thank you. Your advice makes a lot of sense. My impatience gets the best of me as I to try and soak up and use all of the helpful information that I get in one giant swoop.

Kim - 網站管理員

You're welcome! If you really have trouble choosing (or there's one aspect you KNOW you should work on but you never do because you hate it) you can try writing all your goals on separate index cards - then pull a card from the deck before you get started. That way you'll randomly cycle through all your goals, even the pain in the butt ones. :)

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Great idea. Thanks!

