Two day practice
© 2019 Cookedpitt
Took my time to work on shading
i really like your shading its shaded in all the right places, it looks really good, you could try and use a darker grade pensil to really make your drawing POP!
Thank you for the critique I did use a two different shade of pencils but I wanted to practice get different tones with one pencil. To work on pencil pressure
Thank you for the critique I did use a two different shade of pencils but I wanted to practice get different tones with one pencil. To work on pencil pressure
Polyvios Animations
Hi Cookedpitt, Nice job on the shading of your figure study. Say, in order to improve your shading, how long did it take you to do it? 59 minutes? Because if you did that, why don't you do another 1 hour class, please?? Thanks and Happy New Year's Day.
Polyvios Animations.
Polyvios Animations.
I really didn't time myself I did over three day maybe an hour and half total. I would stop when I felt like I was rushing.
Polyvios Animations
Well, that's OK then. Let me explain, the reason we time ourselves is that we just practice. Am I clear? And if you felt like you were rushing, that's alright. Just practicing. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my request.
Polyvios Animations.
P.S. If you've got the time, would it kill us if you could try to do a 2 hour class for once, pretty please?? :-)
Polyvios Animations.
P.S. If you've got the time, would it kill us if you could try to do a 2 hour class for once, pretty please?? :-)