Inktober Day 7

by Jman3, October 8th 2018 © 2018 Jman3
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses I will use Inktober as a way to getting better at drawing human figure and try to get a more consistent drawing schedule by gaining some skill and therefore more pleasure to continue bettering my artistic abilities. Better about going over some of my lines multiple times. Need to start speeding up my 30 second sketches, some of them I didn't even manage to complete. Very happy with #15 (5 minute sketch) and very unhappy with #16 (5 minute sketch). Opening to critique, I am currious where other people think I should focus. Notes for the final drawing: Unlike all the other days so far this last figure was male. The form took much more time than female figures due to the discontinueity of line curvature, I will have to pay closer attention to this in the future. Due to the time loss I didn't add any detail to the face or add some creases to the torso and legs. Overall happy with how this turned out other than the left arm and the feet.
Polyvios Animations
Good evening, Jman3, but I apologize for waking you up, but I say that your Inktober gesture drawings and sustained figure drawings are positively posolutely on the right track. I love the lines of action, but I love the construction, but the poses are all too stiff. Why are they too stiff? Because you haven't exaggerated and therefore expressed your lines of action and rhythm yet. Would you like to please just do 50 minutes of 28 second pose sketches, but all sketched out from your arm wholly?

The reason why you could draw from your whole arm is because your loose lines will become much more bold but broad.

For more details and inspiration, please I'd recommend the brand-new timer tool on, where you'll find lots of free image collections.

Let's hope these help you so much.

