
by SINE, May 15th 2020 © 2020 SINE
Done as part of a 1 hour class. My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of animals
Rosie H2 O (unregistered visitor)
The outline is there, but when I think of form, I think of mass and three dimentions. Maybe try using shading or contours to add 'weight' to your drawings.
Polyvios Animations
Distinguished animals, SINE, nevertheless, I've got one even most all-insignifigant idea: Why don't you do yet another 12 minutes of 2 minute sketches of animals, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty pleaaaase?????? And do YOU know why???????????? Because, you'll get you more stongest energies on your animal proportions. Hope have faith that it'll be very, very, very helpful.

Polyvios Animations

