29-Second Face Practice Sketch

by Polyvios Animations, October 22nd 2020 © 2020 Polyvios Animations
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 29 seconds in length. My current goal is: Make my faces and expressions with as few lines as possible. Hey There all, this is Poly. I just made scenes and environments sketches second nature to me, so, now I'm ready for faces and expressions. Here is my first face, all flipped. Enjoy.
Kim - 網站管理員
I'm really excited to see the face show through so clearly in this one!
Polyvios Animations
So glad you liked it. -given the flipped nature of that photo.
This sketch is so cool! it's very messy (as it should be) and I can definitely make out a face! It's very silly and creative. I like it!!
I love how silly it looks! To make this work better i recomend you to draw more cleal face shape. Good luck

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