
by Akikoma, March 8th 2021 © 2021 Akikoma
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form Nice to meet you. I'm participating from Japan. I would be very happy if you could give me a critique. I'm not very good at English, so I'm using translation software to write this text. I may not be able to write a good reply, but if you give me a critique, I would like to refer to it.
Polyvios Animations
Great performance on rendering the human relationships (proportions and angles).

Again, I suggest a tinier, littlest bit of advice: I'm not getting enough of the exaggeration of the edges and silhouettes here. Why don't you like to go with 151 more minutes of 8 second poses to loosen yourself up????????? (151 x 60/8, 9060/8=1133 warm-up exercises for figures studies) (All on the custom timer here on this site????)

The reason why you could and should do this suggestion is because, it can, and in the future, will have made your human proportions the least stiffer, and all the more dynamic, energetic, and distorted in the perspective.

For more useful information on the perspective on the figures, please pick up a copy of "Perspective Made Easy?"

Good luck on your recent goal, and I hope you've found these completely and totally useful, helpful, encouraging and nicest.


繰り返しになりますが、少しだけアドバイスをお勧めします。ここでは、エッジとシルエットの誇張が十分に得られていません。 自分をほぐすために、あと151分の8秒のポーズをとってみませんか????????? (151 x 60 / 8、9060 / 8 = 1133フィギュア研究のためのウォームアップ演習)(すべてこのサイトのカスタムタイマーにありますか????)




