1 min Life drawing Figure_b. Using pen & permanent ink,

by Tx Williep, August 1st 2021 © 2021 Tx Williep
This is a 1 min figure in my local life drawing session. Using pen & permanent ink,
Polyvios Animations
Nicest and most totally excellent job on your quicker sketch of that figure, txWilliep. I love the ranges of motion and movement of your figure. You weren't trying to make that pose look perfect, but to make that pose move.

My suggestion is that though I absolutely and completely adore your slickest motion lines, but I just not getting enough of the fluidity and live in the edges. Would you kindly do 2 hours of warming up with 59 second quickest doodles of the poses and attitudes? (7200 seconds/59 seconds=122 quick attitude sketches) (all flipped horizontally) (all from a custom timer) The reasons why you could, would and should do this littlest and puniest suggestion is because, it can and will be able to let you not care a lot about how the drawing looks, but how the drawing moves with fluidity, spontaneity and liveliness. And, to help you perceive your edges and gestures using the right side of your brain. for more info and details, be sure to check out this link here. And this link on Betty Edwards link here!!

Cheers to you and your goals, and I hope this is found helpful, educational and happy sketching!!!
Tx Williep
Thank you again for critiquing my drawing. The Betty Edwards book I have somewhere. In a life drawing session, you do not have time to do more than one drawing. The timer runs out and everybody moves on to the model's next pose. As of today, a life drawing session is scheduled to be held tomorrow night. In the Tiny Dancer drawings, I need to have as much information I can get. Why? I will redraw the drawing onto the heavy watercolor paper in pencil to make it ready for the paint. In this step, I am very concerned with detail and not speed. In watercolor, if your underlying drawing is weak or flawed, it is going to be a bad painting and you have wasted your time. I could take this drawing and turn it into a complete and finished drawing. Sometimes the quick drawings are not good. So, I move on.
Aunt Herbert
These are way longer and more dynamique lines, than on your tiny dancer drafts. I love them.

I still strongly disagree with your habit to use both sides of the paper. Please slap yourself repeatedly in the face, while repeating the words: "Paper!" "Is!" "Not" "Insanely!" "Expensive!"

I mean, you put in all the work to find clean and beautiful lines, you even went to a local life drawing session, where you paid at least for a model and probably for a teacher, and then you risk diminishing the result by having another drawing bleed through from the back? All to save, what, 2 pence?
Tx Williep
Thank you again for critiquing my drawing. Yes, I am a penny pincher. I have 30 volumes (100 pages each) of sketches. There is an average of 175 drawings in each volume. If I did one page per drawing, I would need 60 volumes. A storage problem would follow. The stack of sketchbooks would grow to about 5 ft high. I do understand your point. Sometimes if the drawing is going to be a longer drawing timewise, I will leave the back clean. If I am going to use the drawing in my paintings, I will Use the skitch as a source and redraw the figure on thick watercolor paper. In the life drawing sessions, there is no instructor and we do pay for the model. The bleed-through comes from my printer which I use along with Photoshop to scan the image. I save it so I can use it to upload it to L-o-A.

The sketch is a one-minute sketch. You do not have time to mess about. I am a fast drawer. Experience and practice have given me that ability. When the time is up, you move on to the next pose.

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