
by Ac D, February 22nd 2022 © 2022 Ac D

Done as part of a 30 minute class.

My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses

The skin tones are lovely, over time try gradually drawing your lines out longer where the body flows more, and use shorter bolder lines to bring out the more angular aspects. Keep it up, you're doing great, we're in this together!
You really nailed the basic form of the figure in this piece. None of the portions seem off and the shading used helps to ground them properly. I would like to see more confident/bold lines where the weight of the figure falls to make the lightness of the lines used for the hair and lighter parts of the skin stand out in contrast, but over all I think you are doing well at makeing improvments towards your goals.
Polyvios Animations
good morning to you, Ac_D. It's me again, and I just totally love your figure's quicker gesture so much. Greater suggestion of color and tone. Keep up the greater touches.

In the meantime, I'm really giving you one constructive criticism. I really admire your quick lines, but I'm not getting enough of the organic and appealing spaces and forms. Would you work your dominant and non-dominant hands a little bit more with 50 minutes of 30 second quick scribbles? (100 sketch doodles) So your doodles will become the least rigider and the most dynamic, spontaneous and more than vital. For more details, be sure to look into the book, Alla Prima II.

My hat's off to you, and I hope this link has been completely useful and encouraging.

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