Warm up sketches - II

by Maril0011, January 17th 2023 © 2023 Maril0011
Polyvios Animations
Good evening, maril0011, and welcome aboard, and I say, nice job on your light mark-making on your range of facial expressions and emotions, way to go! However, I'm not getting any boiled-down enough lines of action in your expressions, but your facial shapes don't look simplified enough yet. Would you like to go for 30 minutes of 30 second expressions (60 facial drawings), using your dominant and non-dominant shoulders and your pre-sharpened pencils? The reason why is because it can get your movements distilled into your facial and cranial shapes and simpler lines more clearer and most direct if you just go right ahead with this. For more details, I'd like to recommend a copy of Walt Stanchfield Vols. 2 & 1.

Good luck and hope you'll find these totally helpful and encouraging.

