Good morning, Ellalzt. Again, greatest of jobs on your ballerina gestures that you've very much mostly well-retained in your final forms and details, but I'm not getting enough of the most dramatic exaggeration, expression, and emotion into your pose. Would you like to please loosen and liven yourself up with our interactive drawing tutorial here on our site?
The reason why is because, if you speed up your biggest curves and straights as a warmups, then you can, must, and will become the most subtlest forms and details. For even most details, please look into getting your copy of the Vilppu Drawing Manual.
The reason why is because, if you speed up your biggest curves and straights as a warmups, then you can, must, and will become the most subtlest forms and details. For even most details, please look into getting your copy of the Vilppu Drawing Manual.
Thank you.