Face Studies (30 - 60 secs) – 08/02/2023

by Martin B, February 8th 2023 © 2023 Martin B
I was having real trouble with the Loomis Method, found I couldn't get the basic structure down in time and was really starting to get frustrated with it. So I just tried something more intuitive, try and get the features down as quickly as possible... not sure it helped much however so maybe I just need to focus on simple shapes?
Polyvios Animations
Martin, greatest job on your quick gesture sketches of your faces. You know, the point of these 30-60 second sketches are not here to help you get the most perfect details, but to help you exercise your hands. So please keep on mastering your gesture sketches of faces from 30-5 seconds until you feel like you've mastered it and it all comes second nature.

The logic is as a result, it can and shall give you the most totally holistic sense of cartooning and caricature to your drawings.

My hat's off to ya!

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