Just some fast gestures

by Naima, June 25th 2023 © 2023 Naima
Try to draw more smart than fast
Solid clean lines! I appreciate the methodical approach. Are these 30 second or 1 minute gestures?

EIther way, I know this approach is very tough. Now one thing I think you could do is remember the center line for these figures. For the models lying down, a center line is hard to figure out and can be more distracting than useful, but several figures here would have really benefitted from a center line, or a light line to indicate the spin.

(especially for the weird zombie model. I recognize her pose and she is a tough one.)

Remind yourself where the landmarks are for the torso and really nail their position. SOme of your figures need their proportions adjusted. Stuff to keep in mind as you develope.

I gotta say, the lower angle perspective shots on the women really work well. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Drunkenelf! You comment really helps, I will remember to draw center lines. It really stroke me you recognised the weird model, made me very happy! I will also give my best on proportions. My two brain sides still have a hard time to connect, one screams analyse the other screams " just go for it", I hope practice will help.
Polyvios Animations
Well, Naima, I say you're doing a far than nicer job on drawing faster instead of smarter, despite drawing more looser and quicker, but I'm not getting enough of that stronger weight and balance of the poses. Why don't you please free up your weights with 36 minutes of 28 second scribbles in brush pens?

The reason is because of two explanations:

1) to make your weights less stiffer and more than dynamic, lively, and energetic.

2) To make your gestures have more movement when you draw poses from observation and memory, and imagination.
Practice makes progress and myelin sheaths, and progress and myelin make perfect.
My hat's off to you, and hope these have been nicer, helpful, more enouraging and informative.

