
新聞和公告 An interview about the site

I was recently digitally interviewed by Andrea Pinto, a student at the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo in Ecuador, who wanted to learn more about the site as part of a class project. As I was writing my answers, I realized that other people might have some of the same curiosities, and asked Andrea for permission to share the questions and my answers with all of you. When did you created... 繼續閱讀

新聞和公告 We're still here, and we're not going anywhere

This has been a harrowing few weeks for me and everyone who loves this site. As you may know, over the last several months we've been experiencing what I would describe as a shocking number of hacking attempts. We fought them off and fought them off and finally, one made it through and covered the site in scary black screens and threatening sounds for a few days. When I managed to clean that up and... 繼續閱讀

新聞和公告 International politics and us

A lot of things have happened since I last posted here. When last I gave you an update, I was preparing for a second photo shoot to generate more original images for our tools -- this time, we were lining up models over 60 and under 15 to round out our collections of hands, feet and faces. Unfortunately, a few weeks before the day of the shoot, the photographer I had been working with had a family... 繼續閱讀

新聞和公告 Holy crap -- new figure drawing images!

It's been a long long while since we saw new full-body models for the figure study tool, but over the last week we assembled just over 50 new images for you! There's lots more, but I know some of you prefer to use the tools with the "Decent" models only filter enabled, so I won't post more previews here. Happy drawing!!  ... 繼續閱讀

新聞和公告 Progress on timer bug (plus more animal images)

Thank you to everyone who has been writing in about your experiences with the timer bug. I've identified two different cases that could cause similar symptoms. One has been patched -- I hope that some of you will see this problem vanish because of it. The other is still being worked, but I'm happy to say that we now at least have a solid direction to go in. Please do continue sending in your bug reports!... 繼續閱讀