2 minute gestures

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Polyvios Animations 3 years ago.

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  • #26521

    Getting back into figure drawing after a long break. This was today's session of two minute gesture drawings. Pages four and six have been cropped because the figures overlap, so they might be confusing to look at. Hoping for feedback on whether I am making any consistant errors, and advice on what direction to take things next.


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    Hey Katie,

    Great to hear you're getting back into figure drawing, a good understanding of human anatomy is a strong foundation to drawing just about anything. Looking at your drawings I would suggest giving yourself more than 2 mintues to sketch. You need more time to really study and get a feel for the pose you're sketching. I would suggest getting a good anatomy book and study how each body parts relates to each other in terms of size, this will help your drawings to be in proportion. The more knowledge you have of human anatomy the better your drawings will look. Hope this helps, good luck.



    Thank you for your advice. I agree that I should practice some longer drawings. I've been neglecting them because after about 4 minutes into the drawing I feel pretty lost about what to focus on. But that will get better with practice (I hope).

    I also appriciate your advice on getting an anatomy book, I think it would be good for me to really get into the nuts and bolts of anatomy. That said, I might have to wait a couple months on that one because I'm not sure I have the mental stamina for it just now.

    Thanks for taking the time to give good feedback. I really appriciate it.


    I love what you've posted out so far, Katie, I feel and I think, that you're making fine progress so far. I've checked out images 4 and 6, and I think the poses- in part or in whole-still hold more clearly in the forms (actually, a whole lot more in image 4 than image 6)

    But, if I was to point out one whole issue or two, then it would be that some or several of the poses are a mite too choppier in the line quality in the gestures-which us artists have to deal with every day for the rest of our careers, and our lives. Why don't you please do your first newest 67 minutes (4020 seconds/1 hour 7 minutes) of 30 seconds of life figural poses?????????

    Why????????? As a result, even with three different flips, your poses will become more bolder and more forceful in their storytelling content, especially in their backs--Not to mention the fact, that even when you sketch them out standing up, it tends to free us artists and drawers up into using our whole shoulders, rather than our whole wrists.

    Hope you've found that completely and totally ducky, beneficial and conducive to artistry.

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