Does the perspective in this drawing look correct?

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Mx. Abi 5 years ago.

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  • #3542

    Just curious, something about this drawing looks off to me for some reason.

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    It’s not the perspective is off exactly. The proportions are off. Probably the easiest way to tackle this is to look for some reference images from a similar camera angle. You won’t be able to find anything with a door in that exact position in relationship to a twin bed, but what you will find if you try to find or take this sort of image in real life is that the foot of the bed will be fairly wide, and the bed will be very foreshortened.

    Because the bed is really really long in what you drew, the room and everything else comes out feeling off.

    You also have the eye line level with your horizon line. That’s not automatically a problem but you have the horizon set about at the midpoint of the window on the far edge, and if you extend things back the viewer probably has their eyes around 7-8 feet up. Not inherently a problem but it makes the room proportions not come out plausible for a person who is standing in the room because their head is banging on the ceiling or the room is very tall.

    I usually find it’s easier to make up an image like this by starting from reference. Probably not photos, go to ikea or just draw your bedroom. Get a feel for how reality works. Then take a favorite tv show or movie with a bedroom set and try to fill in the blanks. A 2D floor plan will be easier to draw, but you can try widening the field of view from stills too. Stills that include people will be easier than stills without, because you have a better sense of how people work and they give you a proportion check.

    Basically, making up a shot like this that depends on perspective from whole cloth is a bloody nightmare. And doing it in a very rigid architectural rendering style like this makes it harder. Might help. Also while the tutorials themselves are very app dependent, sculptingman over at the Procreate app forums has a pretty long sequence of perspective tutorials from an architect POV that are very helpful. Is one, if you find it helpful the rest are linked here . The reason I say they’re app dependent is a lot of drawing software doesn’t have a way to lock in proportions while you’re using transform or warp tools, or it might not be easy to find. But the logic part, including using custom brushes to dodge annoying bits, applies in any app.

    The last thing I can think of is it’s really enlightening to try setting up a drawing that uses your full field of view. Cameras can’t really do what our eyes do, at all. Try not to get hung up on a rigid perspective in a full field of view drawing. It’ll be a bit wonky because we don’t really look at things flat.

    1 1 1

    This comment seriously could not have been more helpful! Thank you very much!


    Hi Motonimus,

    Looks pretty solid to me, maybe the bottom of the shelf on the right?



    It looks correct to me. What you may be seeing as weird is that the eye/camera is pretty high up - so it looks more like a shot from a security camera than a human beings POV.


    When we look at a picture we tend to look at it in the same way that we are taught to read.

    So those of us who read left to right we start in the upper left hand corner of a picture and then follow shapes, lines, colors etc through the image.

    Portraits often draw the eye into the subjects face and we rest our eyes there.

    In larger images we travel through the image from object to object or figure to figure. Images that feel still cause our eyes to move slowly and then rest on one thing. Images that feel like they have movement cause our eye to circle through over and over again.

    Abstract paintings can be very effective at this and are often the easist to disect how your eye moves.

    The more abstract paintings like the splatter paintings of Pollock cause our eyes to bounce around and there is no path to follow. No singular path and they feel chaotic and wild because there is no place for the eye to naturally rest.

    Your image has no place for the eye to rest, and there is no path for the eye to follow. And it feels directly at odds with the extremely straight lines. So your eyes bounce around like a ping pong ball until they rest either on the picture on the wall or the pillows and bed. And there is nothing visually stimulating there. So your perspective lines are good. It's the composition that is causing the issue.

    An old artist trick to see what you are missing is to look at it in a mirror. Computers are useful in that you can flip the image so it's "backward". Then you will be able to see what is really there and not what you have invested and what you think you see.

    I hope this is helpful! :)


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