So... is this alright?

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voices, and was last updated by Gikenix 11年前.

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  • #97
    Hi there, dropped in and decided to dedicate to an hour session on the class setup... I was surprised how demanding it became. Anyways, I made this little thing for the last half hour.


    I look forward to doing more of this and would like pointers in what to look for, so I was looking for some critique. Any one care to throw their 2 cents or any other change my way? XD
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    wow, I had two topic to go to and I went to the wrong one. FANTASTIC, GREAT START.

    Anyways, I guess I posted the picture wrong?
    Or maybe I didn't. I don't know. Anyways, thanks for giving it a look see. (I hope you did)

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