The photos I've added in "Submit photos" that are visible only by me don't appear in my study rotation [已解決]

首頁 論壇 支持與建議 The photos I've added in "Submit photos" that are visible only by me don't appear in my study rotation

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Kim 4年前.

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  • #26711
    Hello everyone! I hope you can help me on this one. Recently I've "submitted" photos (took me ages since I wanted to be thorough and had to add them all one by one) since it's an option - the photos are only visible to me. It says on the top of the page where you submit such photos that they were "successfully added" and "will be included in your study rotation", however it's been a week and I haven't seen any of them while practicing... I practice at least 3 times a week and some "default" photos even have appeared twice in the time that's elapsed since I added them. Anyone's got any idea on why this is?

    Thank you so much!
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    Just checking, is this for the figure study tool? :)
    I think this is something to do with over-zealous caching of which images are available. I'll see what I can do to work that out for you today. :)
    I ran a few tests and was able to see photos uploaded to a personal collection in the rotation promptly, but nevertheless I went ahead and cleared out the server-side cache of images for your account, which might help.

    The other thing I would suggest is making sure that your preferences for drawing are set to include your photos, for example not choosing "only clothed" models when most of your models are nude, etc.

    Let me know if you see any change!

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