
  • 作者
  • #25421

    For three months, that's amazing. I've been drawing for three years and it took me a year to even think about proportions, let alone make something that wasn't a stick figure with more head/hair than body. I would suggest trying lots of different styles and media and make sure you understand the basics first before trying to draw really hard stuff like 100% realism. I did not understand some basic things and tried to draw really hard stuff and it made me think that I couldn't draw and would never be a good artist. Try to get as much constructive criticism as possible and draw every day!!!! Drawing every day really helps you practise and keep your skills sharp, and you don't have to make a complete piece, just a sketch or doodle is fine. "A doodle a day keeps the art block away!"(for me at least drawing every day helps make art block go away faster) If you do end up with artists block lookup drawing tutorial on youtube or get someone to give you a random prompt to draw. Also, if someone asks you to draw them for free or to look through your sketchbook, you don't have to. Best of luck!!

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