Luis Armenta的論壇貼

  • 作者
  • #27592
    It's normal, relax, do something else, use exercises to put you "in the zone" again, are you hydrated? are you sleeping enough? My mindset while drawing is: you are not gonna love every draw in your paper, and that's fine, give yourself credit, and don't be so harsh. Just know that there’s up and downs and there's drops
    Your drawings are excellent (in my opinion), just don't miss focus in feet (in blue ones) and your 6th blue draw has a mistake? in the ribcage?. I love the forms in red you made, i'm just wondering if you put the same "lines" in all heads.

    Sorry if my english has mistakes. Greetings from México
    I think it's good, keep practicing, the more you practice the more your drawings use less lines to look fine, in your work some animals are confusing, i think their silouethes can get much better, just keep practicing and like others people have said, draw in negative, use less lines.

    Sorry if my english has mistakes, it's not my native language