March 21, 2024 5:25pm #31147Hi all! One year ago, I sent some of my figure studies I had done. You all gave me great advice!
...But, I still feel like I haven't improved much. The anxiety of making a college portfolio has stunted my enjoyment in art a LOT!
But hey, any more critique and advice is still MUCH appreciated! Especially if you're an animator, trying to get information for how good my portfolio should be is like trying to pull teeth! ,:(
Regardless, thank you all and I hope you all have a great Easter! (If you celebrate it :3!)
Ash edited this post on March 21, 2024 2:26pm. Reason: Forgot the links!
March 22, 2023 11:00pm #29536hey there polyvios, sorry for not responding sooner! i thought i did before, but apparently i forgot to post it. (oops.)
thanks so much for the tips! i've noticed my gesture drawings are starting to get a lot more emotive and well, gesture-y! and i've been making sure to study those animators. :D
and thank you red, i'll try focusing more on the smaller shapes in my figures too, i've noticed in a lot of my overall art that's been a bit of an issue... nothing that can't be resolved with practice! :)
again, thank you both for the critique, it's helping me improve a ton!-
Ash edited this post on March 22, 2023 8:03pm.
March 14, 2023 3:51pm #29504https://imgur.com/a/Nlodu7a
Could anyone give me a bit of critique on these? I feel like I'm improving but I'd like some critique.-
Ash edited this post on March 14, 2023 12:51pm. Reason: Forgot images lol