
  • 作者
  • #1471
    Another approach with a laptop is to plug-in a second screen.
    The price for a new 20" monitor is under $100.
    Garage sale / Thrift shop prices should be in the $20-30 range for one in decent shape.
    [Your bargaining mileage may vary.]

    An old [and 'dumb'] flat-screen TV usually has a VGA input -- DVI / USB / HDMI if you're lucky.
    Plug the old TV into your laptop and, voila, you have a 'smart' TV.

    uhh... it IS important to make sure that whatever connection the second screen needs also works with the laptop.
    [This is the embarrassed voice of experience speaking.]
    Let me offer the SoCal Senior Solution:

    1) Sit in your favorite TV viewing chair
    2) Turn on your 'smart' TV and bring up this website
    3) Grab your sketchbook/tablet/2-n-1/laptop and let the gestures begin!

    Ah, we're just a bunch of lotus eaters here in SoCal.