S Uw Ucidal的論壇貼

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  • #30295

    Mysty Nyx... thank you. I cried a little reading what you wrote. I.. really wish I could actually express how helpful your response was. I relate to so much of what you've described of your own struggles. And I wish you heartfelt luck in your own journey. Though I guess we both know it's not easy in the slighest, haha... I'll take your advice to heart. Thank you, again.

    And Polyvios, and icouldntthinkofaname, thank you for your responses and advice as well. Your advice is just as helpful, and I'll do everything i can to put what I can into practice. This has been an incredibly constructive thread for me. I honestly didn't think I'd get such kind, helpful responses when initially starting the thread. It truly means a lot.

    Sorry, hope this doesn't come across as grossly over-emotional, lol. I just really appreciate the help.


    Depression's finally got to the point where it's made drawing tedious and near-impossible. I'm unable to pick up a pencil and draw; when I am able to, I'm not learning anything the way I used to. It's frustrating. I no longer find any joy in drawing and am stuck, which is difficult because it is something I have a deep passion for. I don't really know where to go from here. I love drawing, more than anything else, yet it's something that has become impossible to do. I get frustrated when I draw, and more often than not, it seems like I even get more depressed. Which is yet another thing that keeps me from drawing.

    I know this isn't a forum for mental health, but if anyone here has gone through roughly the same thing and can share advice, or their experience, I'd be more than grateful. Losing something I love to something I can't control is hard, especially when I'm at a time in my life where I need to use drawing as a method to cope.