
  • 作者
  • #1717
    I'll just copy what I posted in my figure-drawing thread:
    "I haven't uploaded anything for a few weeks. I stopped drawing during exam week, then I travelled for a bit right after Christmas, and now I'm back. I did a few drawings (mainly just portraits) at random times within that, which I just uploaded en masse."

    I drew this on the 18th of December, 2016.

    I drew this portrait of a friend on the 19th of December, 2016.

    I drew this on the 24th of December, copying Plate 5 in Andrew Loomis' book.

    I drew this on Christmas Day, copying Plate 6 in Andrew Loomis' book.

    I drew this on the 5th of January, 2017.

    I also received some advice that I should get some more pencils, to vary the line thickness. At the moment I only have HB pencils, so I'll look into getting some more kinds.
    Thanks for the feedback Darkover, and sorry for the late reply!

    I'll just copy what I posted in my figure-drawing thread:
    "I haven't uploaded anything for a few weeks. I stopped drawing during exam week, then I travelled for a bit right after Christmas, and now I'm back. I did a few drawings (mainly just portraits) at random times within that, which I just uploaded en masse."

    I drew this on the 18th of December, 2016.

    I drew this on the 5th of January, 2017.
    I haven't uploaded anything for a few weeks. I stopped drawing during exam week, then I travelled for a bit right after Christmas, and now I'm back. I did a few drawings (mainly just portraits) at random times within that, which I just uploaded en masse.

    I drew this on the 18th of December, 2016.

    I drew this on the 5th of January, 2017.

    Any Happy New Year!
    I drew a single, 10 minute figure today.

    I think I drew the hips too far below the rib cage, because the torso looks very stretched.
    I think I understand the shape of the skull a lot better, and I can now make it look like the head as at a certain angle (whereas my earlier attempts at angled heads looked completely off).

    As for the proportions of the features... well I think I'm doing better than before (I don't have any ears or eyes that are completely misaligned with each other), but I'm still not quite getting it right. If you look at the three faces at the bottom of the page I copied from Andrew Loomis' book yesterday, it's the same head from three different angles in the original image (although it does like like the haircut is a little different in each image). In my attempt, they don't even look like they have the same ethnicity! Looking at it, I think that's mostly due to the shape of the jaw.
    Thanks Darkover.

    I tried that yesterday. I traced part of my hand in pen, then drew the rest in pencil.

    For the hand at the top (where I traced the palm) I was surprised at how big the palm was. My palm and hand were both on the page when I traced my palm, but looking at what I traced it looks like the ends of my fingers should have gone well over the edge of the page. In addition, the start of the fingers themselves looked far wider than they should be (particularly the ring finger). I tried tapering the fingers more, but that looked unnatural. I rubbed that out and drew them much thicker, but that ended up being unnatural as well. I kept rubbing out and redrawing the fingers until the thickness and tapering looked as natural as I could get it (I never did fix the ring finger though). When I put my hand over what I traced, I found my fingers are very thick. This is more obvious in the second drawing (where I traced my fingers, then drew the palm). It actually looks more like I'm wearing a glove in the second drawing.

    I did these timed hand-drawing exercises on this site this afternoon. I decided to skip the 30-second exercises (I didn't feel like they were helping me like the 30-second figure exercises are) and go straight to the 1-minute exercises instead.
    I didn't end up doing any drawing on Tuesday - the only thing I did then was upload the ones I did the day before.

    I drew this yesterday, copying the third plate in Andrew Loomis' book.

    This afternoon I did timed exercises on this site, trying to draw the replicate what I learned yesterday: Link
    Each section corresponds to 1-minute, 2-minute, and 5-minute exercises respectively.
    Thanks Darkover. I think you're talking about the figure in the bottom-right. I actually did draw the shoe, although looking back at it I can see how it looks like the bottom part of the leg.
    I coloured the shoe in black here:
    Here's the original image.

    The figure I was talking about was this one:

    The figure's right leg was a little closer to the viewer than the torso, while the left leg (it's a bit faded due to the curve of the edge of the page) is kicking into the air away from the viewer. Both legs converge, although I made the left leg converge a lot more sharply.
    In the original image the right leg actually tapers a lot less, but I think that's mainly due to the baggy pants material (which I didn't draw).

    If/when I start doing longer times I'll start to shade in the closer areas more as you suggested, although I think that's beyond the 2- and 5-minute exercises I've been doing. But I have an extra minute next time, I'll definitely give it a go.
    Thanks Darkover. I drew this page last night. I tried to take your advice on the placement of the vanishing point into consideration; although since some of the limbs appear to converge from the opposite end of the vanishing point due to their musculature (particularly the the forearms and lower legs), I'm not sure how to make it look like the vanishing point is where it should be. My approach at the moment is to make the cone shapes moving towards a vanishing point much more 'pointy' than the ones moving away from the vanishing point eg. look at the figure in the bottom-left in yesterday's drawing. The figure's left leg (facing away from the viewer) is pointier than the right leg (at a slight angle towards the viewer). Even though the vanishing point for the right leg as above the leg, it still appeared to converge at the bottom in the original photo due to the shape of the leg. Is there something I can do to make this better?