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  • #1739

    Well, since your goal is getting better at drawing, and in this case people, I suggest 5 or 10 minutes. I can tell you now, might as well forget about doing anything besides a couple gesture lines in 30 seconds :)


    These look really good so far, and from my not so professional point of view, just carry on drawing and keep at it :)


    Bodedo hit the mark on his first point. I think you should try and think of your figures in 3D space. If drawing boxes helps, draw boxes. If drawing skeletons helps, then draw skeletons.
    Goodluck :)


    If you have spar time, I'd recommend moving on to the next figure. I assume you're drawing figures to get better at drawing figures, so its best to separate adding detail such as shading, until you're confident enough in your figures.

    At least, that's what I do.


    To be honest, from my point of view they're not bad for something you struggle the most with. Can't add too much though, besides good luck.


    Seeing what Swen posted about lines, I have a recommendation as to a tutorial or two.


    Under the 'Learn' tab at the top of the homepage you'll find a bunch of well sort out tutorials with specific things you can to do as 'homework'. I recommend you do the first one 'The Basics' which is introduction to how to draw basic shapes and lines with confidence, and lesson 8 which is 'The Human figure simplified'. I'm sure it will help with your confidence when drawing.


    Can't agree more with Swen, I don't know how many skulls I've drawn now. Its really helped me with the position of the basic features of the face, especially the cheekbones, with can really be a game changer when it comes to identifying people.

    And on the note of what JeremyA mentioned about tutorials, have a wide range of them is always great. It helps to let you find your own way of doing things. Like for example starting the head with a circle, although I still do it every now and then, I find trying to make the face out of more curved organic lines helps to add character. Especially the cheek bones, I can't get enough of them.

    Hope that wasn't too much to take in at one time! I think I of gotten ahead of myself.


    Could I suggest going for some 2, 5, and 10 min variants instead of going for 30 sec, 1 min and 2 min right off the bat? Might help to build confidence for the shorter times.


    Hi there pdlw, now I'm by no means a professional, take everything I have to say with a grain of salt.

    And I should point out that I'm not critiquing, just a suggestion from someone that's also just starting out.

    When going through your gestures on your first post, I noticed that you use a lot of separate, or 'chicken scratchy' lines, and when I first started out doing quick simple gestures, I found trying to not lift up my pencil and adding more of a curve to my lines helped with fluidity a lot.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong!


    Wow, these look awesome!Spurs me to do some extra gestures today!


    Thanks a bunch for the link!


    Amazing, and such a nice variety. The the images you used for the gestures, don't suppose you can let me know where you got them? I like the idea of a set of gestures like your set of archers for example.


    Awesome stuff man, inspiring in of itself :)
